Capstone Resources for Second Language Writers

One resource that I found helpful during my capstone journey was the “Thesis and Dissertation Writing in a Second Language” by Brian Paltridge and Sue Starfield. This book provides practical guidance for students writing their theses or dissertations in a second language, and it covers a wide range of topics including the writing process, genre conventions, and common errors (Gerhadt, 2018). What jumped out at me about this resource was its focus on the unique challenges that students face when writing in a second language. As someone who completed my capstone in a second language, I found this book to be particularly relevant and useful. The benefit of this resource is that it provides concrete strategies for overcoming the challenges of writing in a second language, such as developing a clear writing style, organizing and structuring the document, and editing and proofreading effectively. It is a valuable resource for any student working on their capstone in a second language, as it can help to improve the clarity and coherence of their writing. Cont…

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