Design a database schema for the proposed Database Design Proposal in Module 1.

Design a database schema for the proposed Database Design Proposal in Module 1.

Identify and list all relevant entities and their relationships:

1) Select no less than five entities.

2) Provide a diagram.

3) Map this to a database schema.

4) Provide a data dictionary for all entity attributes.

Focus on one or two areas of your design that seemed especially difficult to develop and provide a brief assessment of the difficulty you encountered in modeling or mapping to the schema. In addition, provide the rationale for the design chosen, its limitations, and its possible extensions.

Tip: If you do not have access to ER modeling software or a diagramming tool like Visio or OmniGraffle, you can simply create diagrams in a presentation tool like PowerPoint. This is an essential skill which is used in the field.

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