Management in Qatar’s Tourism: An Overview of Practices in an International and Cross-cultural ContextWrite report of around twenty five hundred words advising managers seeking to work in Qatar’s Tourism which is an emerging market on management practice in an international and cross-cultural context.

Write report of around twenty five hundred words advising managers seeking to work in Qatar’s Tourism which is an emerging market on management practice in an international and cross-cultural context.
Qatar’s tourism industry is rapidly emerging and offers many opportunities for managers seeking to work in this sector. The country has seen its tourism sector grow exponentially in recent years, which has drawn increasing attention from global investors, tourists, and business owners (Khan & Daboub, 2015). As such, understanding management practices in a cross-cultural and international context is essential for managers wanting to work in Qatar’s tourism industry. This report will provide an overview of management practices in Qatar’s tourism industry, with a focus on the key cultural, legal, and economic considerations that should be taken into account. The cultural context of Qatar is complex and diverse. This is due to the country’s history of being a crossroads for trade between Europe, Asia, and Africa (Khan & Daboub, 2015). As such, managers must be aware of the cultural values of Qatar and the ways in which they may differ from their own. Specifically, managers should be aware of the importance of relationships and understand the importance of family and community in Qatar’s society… Cont…

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