The Enrichment Theory in Organizational Behaviourwhat is the enrichment theory in organizational behaviour

what is the enrichment theory in organizational behaviour
Organizational behaviour is the study of how people act within a particular organization. There are different theories that explain how people behave in the workplace, one of them being the Enrichment Theory. The Enrichment Theory, created by Fred Luthans, suggests that employees are motivated to reach their highest potential when their job is enriched with challenging tasks, autonomy, and feedback (Luthans, 2016). The Enrichment Theory is based on the idea that employees are motivated to reach their highest potential when their job is designed to give them more control and autonomy, as well as to provide challenging tasks that are meaningful to them. The theory states that when an employee is given more control over their job and is given challenging tasks that are meaningful to them, they are more likely to be motivated to reach their highest potential. Additionally, feedback is an integral part of the Enrichment Theory as it allows employees to receive feedback on their performance and to learn from their mistakes. This helps to improve the overall performance of the employee, as they are able to learn from their mistakes, improve their performance, and become more motivated (Luthans, 2018). The Enrichment Theory is a powerful tool for organizations…Cont…

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