Discuss the limitations of a typical case management program and their strengths.


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Discuss the limitations of a typical case management program and their strengths.

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Case Management Nursing And Utilization Review Practicehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfz4jzqeUQI

Case management programs are usually considered to be an element of the Quality Assurance Program. However, some health care professionals believe that they may be more interested in managing costs rather than quality of care. Considering this issue please respond to the following questions in a 4page paper:

  1. Do you believe that case management programs are more concerned with reducing costs or improving the quality of care? Please justify your position.
  2. Discuss the limitations of a typical case management program and their strengths.
  3. Do you believe that case management programs will become a medical program necessity in the future? Justify your position.
  4. In your opinion, how important are “gatekeepers” to the case management process?

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