Identify the three most direct competitors of this firm and its industry.

This assignment seeks to help you understand the answer to a broader concern and that is, “How senior managers perform relative to the market and to their peers in competing organizations”? In order to do so, please identify sources of financial information about your company, its industry and its competitors. You should base your responses to the following questions on your analysis of Whirlpool Corporation operate at South Korea market along with its direct competitors.

Please answer the following questions:

Identify the three most direct competitors of this firm and its industry.
For this firm and its competitors, identify the CEO and provide a three sentence bio for each. How long has each of these individuals been in the CEO position.
Indicate how much each individual was paid in each of the last three years. Include salary, bonuses, and stock options.
Document the share price performance of this firm and its three major competitors for the last three years. Also make note of any relevant industry measures. Comment on its performance relative to the industry and its competitors.
Document the financial performance of this firm and its three major competitors for the last three years. Choose three relevant measures. Comment on its performance relative to the industry and its competitors.
Have any events occurred in the macro or competitive environment that have had a major impact on all of the competitors in this industry? If so, what is it or are they?
Given what you know about the CEO, his or her compensation, the macro and competitive environments, the share price and financial performance of the company and its competitors, is the CEO doing a good job when assessed according to these measures?
In one half page, please summarize what you think is the connection between the key insights of the Simons, Mintzberg & Basu (2002) reading and this assignment.

Hint: Information regarding CEO compensation is often found in the SEC Def 14a or 10K filings of a company ( An even easier method is to glance at the company’s profile on Reuters ( It explicitly ties executive performance and bios to company performance. Financial performance, share price performance, bios, and competitor information can also be found on the company profiles available through Biz.Yahoo! (

Please limit your response to this assignment to three and one half single spaced, typed pages. Please cite your sources in the text and please reference them at the end of your assignment. We are interested in your own thoughts. Please do not simply copy and paste information to answer the questions. Please end your write–up with one paragraph that summarizes what you think is the importance of this assignment.

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