What are the defining features of Marx’s historical materialist approach to history? Describe Arendt’s critique of Marx’s teleological conception of history. What does she offer as an alternative, as a more politically attuned relation to the past?

What are the defining features of Marx’s historical materialist approach to history? Describe Arendt’s critique of Marx’s teleological conception of history. What does she offer as an alternative, as a more politically attuned relation to the past?

The paper should demonstrate your ability to make a strong thesis and a coherent argument for an interpretive or critical position on a question, reading, theme, argument, and/or concept.
The paper should be: concise (be as succinct as possible and remain within the limits of the assignment – three complete pages); accurate (do not distort or misrepresent the key ideas); focused (present the author’s main argument or points without going into detail, while still citing the text to support your argument​.
the paper must include citations and a bibliography.

MLA Format

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