A worded piece having to do with nature or wildlife. Keep in mind that though you live in a city, which some may think the opposite of wilderness, that you are surrounded by wild creatures,

A worded piece having to do with nature or wildlife. Keep in mind that though you live in a city, which some may think the opposite of wilderness, that you are surrounded by wild creatures, from birds to the microbes that live in and on you (!) and around you, to the flora that grow in vacant lots and yards, and along the roadsides or inhabit the parks around you. You even have Jamaica Bay National Wildlife Refuge, which is administered by the National Park Service, close by, and other places. Insects are wild creatures.
The ocean off the Rockaways and Coney Island is true wilderness, where sharks swim yards from the beach, and whales swim within sight of shore. Birds of prey hunt from building ledges around you (for years a big redtail nested on the Social Security building and sometimes hunted in Rufus King Park) and coyotes have been sighted in Queens and Central Park. An four-foot alligator was recently pulled from Prospect Park lake; true, someone must have released him there, but still, the city has plenty of wildlife, and you yourself are an ecosystem of sorts inhabited by, or comprised of, 37 trillion wild creatures called cells.

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