Data Analysis of Interviews Conducted over Folkbiology

Instructions: Writing a draft for the analysis of the interview responses and the qualitative research process for my topic on how human perception of nature influences our natural environmental and the degradation of it.

 Data Analysis of Interviews Conducted over Folkbiology


The research used was built on a qualitative approach which involved the collection of data through interviews. Purposive sampling was the method employed to select the participants. Five participants from diverse backgrounds and cultures were chosen for interviews. The opinions of the five participants were gathered through an interview that was structured with seven open-ended, open-ended questions. Responses were recorded and then transcribed further to be analyzed.

Analyzing Data

Thematic analysis was utilized to analyze the data of the qualitative information in this research paper. The thematic analysis was based on the formation of themes based on the responses of participants to the research question which involved the significance of how people perceive nature. As per Clarke & Braun (2016), The qualitative data obtained are utilized to identify the meaning, analyze, and interpretation of the information to identify relevant patterns or themes that explain the research questions. If you are using this analysis to identify thematic themes process, coding is the most important stage to determine the main themes. The process of coding involved studying the scripts by hand to analyze how the response is interpreted from a global view. Then, the qualitative data with similar patterns were combined to assign analytic code. The coding helped develop distinct concepts and classifications of information. The condensed information was then assembled by combining similar codes to create principal themes (Sutton and Austin 2015).

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