Diversity Also Realize Significant – hawkessays.com

We’re always going to have issues with diversity. I believe that’s something that will never go away. If businesses can find a way to recruit from a more diverse workforce they might be able to find bigger and better talent. “Businesses that embrace a diversity also realize significant increases in workforce productivity and job performance.”. This can also enable a more economic growth by adding more women, racial and gay and transgender individuals to the workforce.

In order to manage diversity in the workforce, the leadership needs to understand their backgrounds. This could present unique challenges for HR professional. ” These challenges can be mitigated if an organization makes a concerted effort to encourage a more heterogeneous environment through promoting a culture of tolerance, open communication and creating conflict management strategies to address issues that may arise.” Communicate with employees. Provide policies, procedures, and safety rules to help overcome language and cultural barriers. 

One of the things the speaker speaks about in decreasing stereotypes is look within yourself and change. She talks of 3 things to change that will also decrease stereotypes. 1 having denial in ourselves. Stop trying to be good and start being real. 2 walk towards your discomfort. Not everyone is out to hurt you. Third thing is if you see something, then say something. 

The key takeaways is something I’ve always done. I don’t see black people as being black. I just see them as a person. In fact, I can’t stand the phrase African American. They’re American to me. I was raised in a better household. I treat people the way God intended me to treat them. You get what you give with me. 

 Write 200 words of your reflection on this work? (need to be in first person)  

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