Double Spaced Put 5

Double Spaced Put 5


For each of the two videos, you are to do the following

  • Put the name of the video in as heading: In a bulleted fashion and double spaced put 5 key points/issues (relevant to UDL) in thoughtful complete sentences that you took from the video. 
    • Add a final bullet (which would be the 6th bullet) to each video summary and label it “What I learned about the importance of the concept of UDL in my teaching.” Then you will write a brief summary that responds to this. Each summary should be at least three thoughtful and relevant sentences long.  
  1. The Myth of Average: Todd Rose at TEDxSonomaCounty (Links to an external site.)The Myth of Average:  Todd Rose at TEDxSonomaCounty
  2. Why We Need Universal Design | Michael Nesmith | TEDxBoulder (Links to an external site.)Why We Need Universal Design | Michael Nesmith | TEDxBoulder


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