Evolution of the Hospital Industry: A Comparative Analysis

Evolution of the Hospital Industry: A Comparative Analysis


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Evolution of the Hospital Industry: A Comparative Analysis

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Evolution of the Hospital Industry: A Comparative Analysis



Evolution of the Hospital Industry: A Comparative Analysis

Write your introduction here. Include a brief explanation of the purpose of the paper and main ideas. Reference significant trends that you noticed as appropriate (1 paragraph).


Hospital Care Evolution

Provide a brief overview of the evolution of hospital care from the 1800s to the 1960s to today (1 short paragraph).

Hospital Environment

Describe your findings about hospital environments from the 1800s, 1960s, and 2000s
(1 paragraph).

Staff Education

Describe your findings about hospital environments from the 1800s, 1960s, and 2000s
(1 paragraph).

Level of Care

Describe your findings about hospital environments from the 1800s, 1960s, and 2000s
(1 paragraph).

Paying for Your Care

Describe your findings about hospital environments from the 1800s, 1960s, and 2000s
(1 paragraph).

Comparative Analysis

Write a brief summary of your comparisons and analysis about the significance of the key changes from the different time periods. Draw conclusions about how the hospital industry has evolved from the 1800s, to the 1960s, to today, and about the significance of the key milestones from the different time periods. Give specific examples of the impact on the quality of patient care during these time frames (1–2 paragraphs).


Summarize clear and concise conclusions drawn from your comparisons and analysis about the different time periods and the hospital environment, staff education, level of care, and payment for care topics. Explain why it is important to study the history of hospital care for your profession (1 paragraph).




(Include a minimum of three resources, all of which must be cited in the body of your paper.)

Young, K. M., & Kroth, P. J.  (2018). Health care USA: Understanding its Organization and delivery (9th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.





Comparative Analysis Table: Hospital Care Evolution


Instructions: Fill in the chart with bullet points that describe the key milestones (events, regulations, laws, etc.) and the supporting details to explain the topics in each cell. Use your textbook and at least two other resources from the course resources for this assessment or your own research, and document where you found the information using accurate APA citations.


Subject/Topic 1800s 1960s 2000s
Hospital Environment

(Describe the overall hospital environment.)


Medical Staff Education Level

(Describe the care providers and their education levels.)


Level of Care

(Describe the quality of care for each century and if it improved.)


Paying for Care

(Describe how care was paid for.)



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