How does the below relate to this day in age? (ash)) The dilemma for D. Vaji is one of conflicting information. The evaluation from the on-site director is one on a positive side,

The last time I was feeling sad was when I was in my bedroom trying to fall asleep, and I thought about my old apartment, I started to miss it and regret moving out and so the routines and places I used to go by, made me feel nostalgic. I begin to cry, neglecting reality which is a bedroom without sunlight, a different neighborhood and a hard roommate. Thinking that my old place and time in my life made me have more power and confidence. What I did was, I set myself, I can do anything, if I want to change my situation and get my power back, I know I can make it happen, or get something better. So then, I started to find ways and some research about how to get my apartment back or get another, and writing steps down. The only person I call is my best friend but I usually talk and calm myself most of the time. Is good to talk to her because she listens, and I don’t feel alone, she responds with positive words and encouragement towards my problems. Sometimes though it is good to hold ourselves accountable, and not run to someone to hear our problems. In Psychodynamic psychology I can say my ID was desiring and my old place brought happiness, blocking any bad experiences and unreasonably wanting to go back, my ego was focusing on my real situation which was frustrating because I cannot go back right in the second. And my super ego came up with one of my values which is I must be capable of achieving and getting what I want. Cognitively I was going down memory lane, thinking and trying to find the reason why I left my old place and problem solving on how to get it back. Also, humanistically, I was thinking if I moved back to my old place with sunlight and the meaning behind being my first place when I moved to New York it would bring my power back, and life back after I left and things went down the road.
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