Short “ Scripture ” –

  3 PAGES MLA FORMAT. NO SHORDY WORK. READ THE WHOLE INSTRUCTIONSThis WIT gives you a chance to explore a religion that might be new to you.  Remember, this should be about a religion, not a specific denomination or faction within a religion.  The goal of this assignment is not to try to prove or disprove a religion’s value or credibility. The idea is to increase your knowledge of and appreciation and respect for other religions different from your own or unfamiliar to you.  Complete this WIT as a 3 page assignment that includes the following items:

  1. Short history/ background
  2. Basic belief(s)
  3. Major figure
  4. An important ritual or practice
  5. A short “scripture” piece or excerpt from a sacred text that portrays the spirit of the religion, as well as an explanation of why you selected this piece
  6. What do you appreciate about the religion? What did you learn? What positive message does it have for you and others? What will you take away from what you have learned about this religion?

Remember to use and cite credible academic sources both in text and on a works cited page. Paraphrases, summaries, and direct quotations should all be cited according to MLA guidelines

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