Week 11 Required Course – hawkessays.com

Discuss the Prosperity Paradox from Chapter 7 of Blockchain Revolution.

You will then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from Week 11 required course materials (Tapscott & Tapscott)

1) Create a new thread and ensure your initial post is properly formatted. 

2) Provide a first section (200-250 words) explaining, with supporting source material, explaining what the Prosperity Paradox is and what is its impact.

3) Draft a second section (200-250 words) explaining, with supporting source material, explaining how blockchain can solve the Prosperity Paradox.

4) Provide three (3) questions that you would like to ask other classmates in relation to the weekly reading material. These need to be specific questions based on weekly reading material. Do not just ask general questions.

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