Hỗ Trợ Trả Góp – hawkessays.com

     Robot   hút bụi, robot hút bụi lau nhà thông minh giá tốt, mẫu mới nhất 2022, nhập   khẩu từ Đức bởi Minh Housewares. Hỗ trợ TRẢ GÓP 0%, giao hàng toàn quốc.   Hotline: 19006774. Địa chỉ mua robot hút bụi lau nhà: 31 Liền Kề 11, KĐT Văn   Khê, Phường La Khê, Hà Đông, Hà Nội SĐT: 0983092425 Hag tags: #minhousewares   #robothutbuilaunhachinhhang #robothutbuilaunhaMinhHousewares Website:   https://minhhouseware.com.vn/danh-muc/robot-hut-bui-lau-nha    

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Lịch Ngày – Đồng – hawkessays.com


Với những cô gái yêu thích những chiếc đồng hồ thể thao thì có lẽ đã không còn quá xa lạ với thương hiệu đồng hồ Skagen nữa. Thương hiệu đồng hồ Skagen có xuất xứ tại một đất nước xinh đẹp Đan Mạch và những sản phẩm của hãng cũng đẹp như chính đất nước này vậy điển hình như là đồng hồ Skagen SKW2931.

Đồng hồ Skagen SKW2931 sở hữu một vẻ đẹp rất ngọt ngào

 CLICK XEM >>> https://www.sgtiepthi.vn/dong-ho-citizen-eco-drive-6-kim-gay-sot-nho-5-ly-do-nay/

☸ Hầu hết tất cả những sản phẩm đồng hồ Skagen đều được lấy cảm hứng từ chính vẻ đẹp phi thường của biển cả hòa quyện vào núi non hùng vĩ của vùng Scandinavia thuộc đất nước Đan Mạch. Có lẽ vì thế mà ở trên những mầu đồng hồ này luôn chưa một nét đặc trưng mà ta không thể tìm thấy ở bất cứ đâu.

Đồng hồ Skagen SKW2931 sở hữu một màu hồng vô cùng ngọt ngào phù hợp với sở thích của các bạn nữ

Thiết kế mặt số của đồng hồ Skagen SKW2931

☸ Chiếc đồng hồ Skagen SKW2931 sử dụng dạng mặt số dạng tròn, theo một vài nghiên cứu thì đây là dạng mặt số có thể giúp người dùng xem giờ một cách hiệu quả nhất. Đường kính mặt số đồng hồ này có độ lớn khoảng 36mm sẽ thích hợp với các cô gái có cỡ tay vừa và lớn.

☸ Phần niềng đồng hồ được làm khá mỏng tuy nhiên được làm từ thép không gỉ 316L nên vô cùng chắc chắn và bền vỉ có thể đảm bảo được cho bộ máy vận hành ổn định dù có xảy ra va chạm.

☸ Đánh giá tổng thể thì mặt số đồng hồ Skagen SKW2931 có thiết kế tương đối là đơn giản, không cầu kỳ. Trên mặt số ta chỉ thấy cọc số và kim chỉ giờ và tất nhiên tạo hình các chi tiết này đều khá là tiết chế.

☸ Mặt số đồng hồ sử dụng màu hồng làm màu chủ đạo, đây là màu sắc khiến cho các cô nàng luôn phải “gục ngã” vì nó vô cùng ngọt ngào và nữ tính.

Thiết kế dây đeo của chiếc đồng hồ Skagen SKW2931

☸ Có thể sẽ có rất nhiều cô gái còn đang e dè không muốn sử dụng đồng hồ có dây đeo làm từ kim loại, nhưng bạn đừng vội lo lắng nhé, ở trên đồng hồ Skagen SKW2931 dây đeo đã được tạo hình theo dạng lưới đã khiến cho dây kim loại trở nên mềm mại hơn rất nhiều.

☸ Ưu điểm của chất liệu dây đeo này đó chính là nó có khả năng kháng nước rất tốt, dây sẽ không xảy ra tình trạng bong tróc hay là bị bám mùi hôi khó chịu.

TÌM HIỂU NGAY ►►► đồng hồ citizen sản xuất ở trung quốc

Bộ máy bên trong của đồng hồ Skagen SKW2931

☸ Máy quartz trên đồng hồ Skagen SKW2931 luôn là sự lựa chọn thích hợp đối với các cô gái. Bộ máy hoạt động mà không cần bất cứ một tác động từ môi trường bên ngoài nào, độ ổn định củ nó rất cao với sai số rất nhỏ.

Bộ máy quartz dễ dùng mà còn rất ổn định

Thông số kỹ thuật của đồng hồ Skagen SKW2931

Thương Hiệu: Skagen

Số Hiệu Sản Phẩm: SKW2931

Xuất Xứ: Đan Mạch

Giới Tính: Nữ

Kính: Mineral Crystal (Kính Cứng)

Máy: Quartz (Pin)

Bảo Hành Quốc Tế: 2 Năm

Bảo Hành Tại Hải Triều:  

Đường Kính Mặt Số: 36 mm

Bề Dày Mặt Số: 7 mm

Niềng: Thép Không Gỉ

Dây Đeo: Thép Không Gỉ

Màu Mặt Số: Vàng Hồng

Chống Nước: 5 ATM

Chức Năng: Lịch Ngày – Đồng Hồ 24 Giờ

Tính năng của đồng hồ Skagen SKW2931

☸ Chiếc đồng hồ Skagen SKW2931 được trang bị 2 mặt số phụ với chức năng lần lượt là lịch ngày và đồng hồ 24 giờ nhằm hỗ trợ người dùng trong quá trình sử dụng.

Thông tin bảo hành của đồng hồ Skagen SKW2931

 XEM THÊM ►►►  https://www.metooo.io/e/10-ly-do-nen-mua-dong-ho-citizen-pin-nang-luong-mat-troi

☸ Khi bạn mua đồng hồ Skagen SKW2931 tại hệ thống cửa hàng của Đồng hồ Hải Triều bạn sẽ được hưởng chính sách bảo hành Quốc tế có thời hạn là 3 năm.

Giá bán của đồng hồ Skagen SKW2931

☸ Giá bán của đồng hồ Skagen SKW2931 tại Đồng hồ Hải Triều: 4.840.000 VNĐ (Cập nhật từ ngày 01/06/2021).


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Utah Genetic Science Learning – hawkessays.com

Utah Genetic Science Learning

Epigenetic Influences on Personality Development [WLO: 1] [CLOs: 1, 2, 4] 

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, watch the film DNA is Not Destiny: How the Outside Gets Under the Skin (Links to an external site.), read the Hurley (2013) Trait Vs. Fate (Links to an external site.), read the Gartstein and Skinner (2018) Prenatal Influences on Temperament Development: The Role of Environmental Epigenetics (Links to an external site.), read the Buso, Andrei, and Popescu (2020) Allostatic Neuroplasticity and Epigenetic Mechanisms in Personality Development (Links to an external site.), and review the University of Utah Genetic Science Learning Center’s Lick Your Rats (Links to an external site.). The recommended resources also provide additional information on these topics that may be helpful.

In this week’s required resources, you learned that while genes have a lot to say about who we are, environmental factors, particularly parental behavior, can shape the behavior of offspring on a biochemical level. In your initial post of a minimum of 450 words:

  • Briefly describe the research that has been done with rat mothers to illustrate this phenomenon.
    • Be specific about the maternal behaviors and correlated biochemical changes to their offspring. This section demonstrates that you understand what research has been conducted and what the results mean, so be sure to go beyond quoting.
  • Name three things from the film DNA is Not Destiny: How the Outside Gets Under the Skin (Links to an external site.): one that surprised you, one that frustrated you, and one that inspired you to look deeper into this topic.
  • Explain the implications of the research on parental behavior and environmental factors as they relate to human personality development. Be sure to cite all the required sources in your initial post.


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2 Page Word Response – hawkessays.com

Your company has put together a brand new team of individuals and has named you as supervisor. Your direct reports consist of a group of Generation Zers. You have decided that instead of banning cell phones at work, you would like to manage and set goals about how they are used. 

In a 1-2 page word response, please answer the following scenarios/prompts:

●  What kinds of rules will you set for your team to help them understand what acceptable cell phone use at work is ? 

●  Are there any creative ways they can use their cell phones to actually get more work accomplished? 

●  Is there any way to leverage their tech-savviness to the company’s advantage? 

●  How can you ascertain whether they are working or using their cell phones for personal use? 

●  Is it possible to segregate personal from professional on personal devices?  

●  Are there any ethical considerations to asking employees to use their personal devices for work?

Remember to support your ideas, thoughts, and contentions with relevant, outside, academic and peer-reviewed information that is properly identified, cited, and referenced.

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Task Wordcount Used Title – hawkessays.com

Task Wordcount Used Title


G’day everyone

I kindly need your help with my assignment, I’ll provide you with all the documents you need to make everything clear for you, Also I’ll provide a video explaining all of the requirements for this assignment, You need to watch it before you start bidding or start answering this assignment to ensure that you are fully aware of everything related to this assignment.

Here is the video you need to watch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rg3au4QW296a9jgpc…

There will be 2 tasks and you can find out more about both tasks in the attachments.

Task 2 – Self-Reflective Journal, 1,000 words (+/-10%)

Here are some instructions from my instructor:

The only document you submit for SUMMATIVE ASSIGNMENT as ONE WORD DOC should be as follows …

  1. Coversheet (fully completed and wet signature) inc each Task Wordcount used
  2. Title page
  3. Contents Page
  4. Assignment: Report parts 1 & 2 (within wordcount & MIN x10 references Harvard Style)
  5. Reference List (Harvard Style)
  6. Bibliography(Harvard Style)
  7. List of Appendices aka Appendix List (Harvard Style)
  8. Appendices (those mentioned in the List above)

7/8 NOT required if you do not use/refer to Appendices in your assignment

All the above from 2-8 should follow on from the C/sheet (1) to be in ONE WORD doc.

No need to include/attach the assignment brief (or any parts of it ex. checklist/marking guide) as the Assessor has all requirements for the marking.


  • Don’t forget AC numbers & headings
  • Add page numbers on the header or footer
  • Put in the header/footer with your name, unit assignment (ex. 3CO03 or L3C3)
  • SAVE/NAME your word doc assignment with your name and Unit assignment code or title.


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Briefly Describe Two Core – hawkessays.com

Briefly Describe Two Core

Post a brief description of your results from the StrengthsFinder assessment. Then, briefly describe two core values, two strengths, and two characteristics that you would like to strengthen based on the results of your StrengthsFinder assessment. Be specific. Note: Be sure to attach your Signature Theme Report to your Discussion post.


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Two Human Resource Functions – hawkessays.com

Two Human Resource Functions

 Question 1: 

The human resource department is not a stand-alone department. Explain how the Human Resource Department in an organisation helps the organisation to achieve it’s vision through any two human resource functions. (50 marks) 

 Question 2: 

Some organisations prefer hiring from inside the Company over external recruitment. Explain five advantages of hiring internal employees for vacancies. (50 marks) 


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Became Severely Depressed 6 – hawkessays.com

Case Study, Chapter 3, Psychosocial Theories and Therapy

1. The student nurse, in the clinical setting of a behavioral health care center, has

been assigned by the clinical instructor to act in the role of a participant

observer during interaction with an anxious and withdrawn client. The student is

reminded that positive client outcomes depend on the nurse’s ability to maintain

self-awareness, respect for the client’s unique individuality, and client-centered

interaction. (Learning Objectives: 1 and 4)

a. Identify which theory is being used in this situation. Describe the specific

components of that theory.

b. What are the most influential factors that determine a client’s response to

therapeutic interventions? How can the student nurse facilitate a positive


Case Study, Chapter 7, Client’s Response to Illness

1. The student nurse is making a home visit with the community psychiatric nurse.

The client, a young woman named Phi, is scheduled to receive home care, and

this is the initial interview in the client’s home. Phi’s father Anh is present during

the visit. Throughout the interview, Phi makes poor eye contact with the nurse

and refers all questions to her father. (Learning Objectives: 5, 6, and 7)

a. What is the nurse’s role in assessing and working with this client in the home

care setting?

b. When Anh, Phi’s father, requests that the nurse assist with banishing the evil

spirits in Phi in order to restore emotional harmony, what would be the best

response for the nurse to make?

Case Study, Chapter 10, Grief and Loss

1. Nancy is a 59-year-old client who is grieving the loss of her 14-year-old Maltese

dog that has recently died of congestive heart failure. Nancy has experienced

fatigue, lack of energy, and mild depression. These symptoms have caused her

to miss work. When her coworkers ask why she is feeling so tired, Nancy makes

excuses by saying that she “just can’t seem to sleep well at night.” Nancy tells

the nurse that she is reluctant to be honest with her colleagues because she

thinks that they will not understand her overwhelming feelings of sadness and

grief related to the death of her pet. (Learning Objectives: 5, 6, and 8)

a. What is the cultural significance of Nancy’s fear of sharing her feelings with

her colleagues?

b. Which nursing diagnosis applies to Nancy?

Case Study, Chapter 17, Mood Disorders and Suicide

1. Julia, age 62 years, became severely depressed 6 years ago when her son

experienced a traumatic brain injury sustained in an automobile accident. She

has been nonadherent with pharmacologic antidepressant therapy, which has

led to her admission to an acute care psychiatric setting. During the assessment

interview, she reports becoming increasingly forgetful and now has difficulty

sleeping and concentrating. A physical assessment shows that she has lost 30

pounds during the last year as a result of “not being interested in eating.” Her

home needs repairs, and she feels overwhelmed with completing the

maintenance required. Julia reports “feeling helpless and alone,” adding that she

“is alone and no one cares.” (Learning Objectives: 3, 4, and 6)

a. Determine three nursing outcome statements that would apply to Julia, and

list them in order of priority.

b. Julia was started on sertraline (Zoloft). What client teaching should be done

with Julia regarding the sertraline?

Homework requirement: All questions need to be answered with 300 words or more. 

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Provided 400 Words Minimum – hawkessays.com

Provided 400 Words Minimum

 The discussion must address the topic.

Think about a familiar clinical practice area where interest groups are attempting to bring about a change in clinical care or systems of service delivery.  Assume new, game-changing research finding are published and received wide attention.  Identify groups that might have an interest in these finding.  What are their likely reactions to new research?

Rationale must be provided

400 words 

 Minimum of two scholarly references in APA format within the last five years published 


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Characteristics Would Reflect Maria – hawkessays.com


1. Maria Torres is a 23-year-old Hispanic single mother of two and is enrolled as a

student at the local community college. She works 30 hours a week as a

waitress at a local restaurant in addition to her course work. Maria states that

she is “excited about her future career as a computer programmer.” She

manages her living expenses marginally, but states that she is reasonably happy

and satisfied with her life. She states that she is getting good grades in her

college courses. Her mother helps care for her two small children when Maria is

at school, studying, or working. (Learning Objectives: 1 and 4)

a. Based on this information, what personal factors or characteristics would

reflect Maria’s current state of mental health or illness according to the

information in Chapter 1?

b. What if Maria’s situation suddenly changed and she lost her housing? What

concerns would you, as the nurse, have for Maria and her children now? How

would you counsel Maria to obtain the needed assistance and support she

requires in the face of her new situation?

2. The student nurse is accompanying the psychiatric nurse in a nursing

assessment of a newly admitted client. The psychiatric nurse tells the student nurse

that the client is profoundly depressed and has refused to bathe or eat for the past

one week. The psychiatric nurse stressed that all clients admitted to a hospital for

psychiatric treatment will have a diagnosis from the DSM stated on the chart by the

psychiatrist. The nurse explains that the nursing diagnosis will consider past and

present responses to actual mental health problems and provide a conceptual

framework for identifying interventions for the abnormality the client is

experiencing. (Learning Objective: 2)

a. What would the psychiatric nurse’s reply be if the student nurse asked him or

her what type of client information the DSM is associated with?

b. How does the DSM diagnosis affect client care?

c. What information do the DSM criteria impart to the 

multidisciplinary team



Suggested Answers to Case Study, Chapter 14, Anxiety and

Anxiety Disorders


a. The nursing diagnosis of anxiety related to recent difficulty at work, concerns

about her brother’s health and placement, and irritability with

apprehension/helplessness is appropriate in Penny’s situation.

b. The signs/symptoms Penny is experiencing are associated with severe or

panic levels of anxiety.

c. The nurse should provide calm, brief, directive communication to help Penny

to regain control of overwhelming impulses that escalate into a panic attack.

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