The Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002How did the SOX act of 2002 change IT auditing?

How did the SOX act of 2002 change IT auditing?
The Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002 on IT Auditing The Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002 was a major milestone in the history of IT auditing and was enacted to counter the wave of corporate misconduct during that era. The SOX Act implemented a rigorous framework of standards and controls, demanding increased accountability and financial transparency from American publicly traded companies and their auditors. Companies are now required to establish, implement, and maintain effective internal control systems for financial and IT processes. The Act’s impact on IT auditing was huge, as it required for organisations to identify and safeguard the data that was important to the financial reporting process (Booter, 2017). The SOX Act also created framework for IT auditors to evaluate IT systems for their reliability, accuracy, and compliancy (McKee, 2020). Today, the SOX Act acts as a cornerstone for IT auditing standards, as it provides a mandatory framework to assess IT systems and its controls. As a result, organisations have become more vigilant in managing their IT systems and have improved their internal control system to ensure its compliance with SOX. References Booter, T. (2017). A Guide to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. BCR Community. Retrieved from McKee, K. (2020). What Is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)?. Investopedia. Retrieved from…

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LeadershipIn Chapter 18, we learn that African Americans responded to discrimination and prejudice in different ways. Some refused to put up with it. One black leader, W.E.B. Du Bois, insisted that African Americans should not ask white Americans for their rights, but demand it of them. Other leaders took the opposite approach. For example, Booker T. Washington urged his fellow blacks to accept segregation for the time being. If they were patient, he argued, eventually their hard work and clean living would prove to whites that blacks were deserving of better treatment and equal citizenship. If you had been an African American during this period, which sort of leader do you think you would have followed?

In Chapter 18, we learn that African Americans responded to discrimination and prejudice in different ways. Some refused to put up with it. One black leader, W.E.B. Du Bois, insisted that African Americans should not ask white Americans for their rights, but demand it of them. Other leaders took the opposite approach. For example, Booker T. Washington urged his fellow blacks to accept segregation for the time being. If they were patient, he argued, eventually their hard work and clean living would prove to whites that blacks were deserving of better treatment and equal citizenship.

If you had been an African American during this period, which sort of leader do you think you would have followed?
I believe I would have followed the philosophy of W.E.B. Du Bois. He believed in fighting for the rights of African Americans, and he had faith that his people could rise above the discrimination they faced. He wrote that “The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line” (Du Bois, 1903, p. 9). He was convinced that the only way African Americans could gain their rights was by standing up and demanding them. His famous words, “Let us, then, be sure that the demand for the ballot is put in such form that the nation must either admit our citizenship or admit that it is a sham” (Du Bois, 1910, p. 71) were a rallying cry for African Americans to fight for their rights. I think I would have admired Du Bois for his courage and conviction. I think he was right to call for African Americans to stand up for themselves and demand their rights. I would have supported him in his quest for justice and equality. On the other hand, I would have respected the approach of Booker T. Washington too. His strategy was to work for change without confrontation. He believed that African Americans should focus on education, economic success. Cont…

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Analyze Style and Rhetoric Reverend MurphyAnalyze Style and Rhetoric Reverend Murphy said that African Americans “will accept in the white man’s country the place assigned him by the white man, … not by stress of rivalry, but by genial cooperation with the white man’s interests.” Why do you think some people found this offensive? Analyze Reverend Murphy’s language

Analyze Style and Rhetoric Reverend Murphy said that African Americans
“will accept in the white man’s country the place assigned him by the white man, … not by stress of rivalry, but by genial cooperation with the white man’s interests.” Why do you think some people found this offensive?
Analyze Reverend Murphy’s language
Reverend Murphy’s statement is couched in a language of subservience, which is likely to have been seen as demeaning by some African Americans. He suggests, for example, that African Americans should accept whatever place is ‘assigned’ to them by white people. This implies that they have no choice but to accept whatever role they are given, without any input from themselves. This is highly patronizing and could be seen as a way of justifying white supremacy. Reverend Murphy also uses the term ‘genial cooperation’ to describe the relationship between white and black people. This language implies that there is an inherent power imbalance between the two groups, with white people being in charge, and African Americans being expected to cooperate. This could be seen as completely disregarding the fact that African Americans had a history of oppression and struggle in the United States, and were still fighting for their rights. Reverend Murphy’s language also reflects a shared narrative of white people as benevolent rulers, who are generous enough to allow African Americans to have a role in society. This narrative is extremely problematic, as it ignores the reality of ongoing racism and the fact that. Cont…

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The influence of Aimee Allison and Kimberle Crenshaw on Self-Valuation and Respect for Black WomenDescribe how these two women “Aimee Allison” and “Kimberle Crenshaw” to be expressed in their quotes from the article “When Women Lead, We All Win.” the importance of “self-valuation and respect” and “self-reliance and independence” to change and empower Black women.

Describe how these two women “Aimee Allison” and “Kimberle Crenshaw” to be expressed in their quotes from the article “When Women Lead, We All Win.” the importance of “self-valuation and respect” and “self-reliance and independence” to change and empower Black women.
The article “When Women Lead, We All Win” demonstrates the importance of self-evaluation and respect among Black women, featuring quotes from two prominent figures: Aimee Allison and Kimberle Crenshaw. Aimee Allison is the founder of She the People, a national network of women of color in politics, and Kimberle Crenshaw is a civil rights advocate and professor of law. Both of these remarkable women have used their voices and platforms to empower Black women and fight for racial justice. In the article, Aimee Allison emphasizes the importance of self-evaluation and respect for Black women: “When Black women lead, we are getting closer to a world where our power is seen, understood and respected.” (Allison, 2020). She believes that by leading, Black women will be granted respect and recognition, and their power will be acknowledged. Similarly, Kimberle Crenshaw emphasizes the importance of self-reliance and independence. She states, “My goal is to help Black women build a strong sense of self-reliance and independence so they can be empowered. Cont…

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Class: Theatre and Cultural DiversityPlease write the response to the film "Miss Representation" What was the name of the film you chose and who directed it? Please provide a brief summary of the film with any pertinent facts details of the story that should be highlighted. D. Have you ever scene this film before? What was of interest about the film that help you make your choice? E. Please provide THREE (3) key take away lessons or observations that you learned from this films about the subject matter that the film was addressing F. Do you feel the film is important or pertinent to our discussion in our class? Yes or No? G. Would you recommend this film for others to watch Why or Why not? Link to the film – Elite Custom Essays

Please write the response to the film “Miss Representation”

What was the name of the film you chose and who directed it? Please provide a brief summary of the film with any pertinent facts details of the story that should be highlighted.

D. Have you ever scene this film before? What was of interest about the film that help you make your choice?

E. Please provide THREE (3) key take away lessons or observations that you learned from this films about the subject matter that the film was addressing

F. Do you feel the film is important or pertinent to our discussion in our class? Yes or No?

G. Would you recommend this film for others to watch Why or Why not?

Link to the film
The film I chose is “Miss Representation” (2011), directed by Jennifer Siebel Newsom. Miss Representation is a documentary that explores how the media’s misrepresentations of women have led to the underrepresentation of women in positions of power and influence. The film examines how women are portrayed in the media, from advertisements to news programs, and how these images have a powerful effect on society’s views of women and girls. I had heard of Miss Representation before, but I was interested in seeing it as part of this assignment because it would give me a better understanding of the subject matter. After watching the film, I learned three key take-away lessons. First, the media greatly influences how we view ourselves and others. Images of women in the media are often hyper-sexualized, and this can lead to the objectification of women. Second, the lack of representation of women in positions of power in the media can lead to a lack of representation in real life. Third, it is possible to change these stereotypes by being conscious of how we consume and create media. I believe this film is important and pertinent to our discussion in our class. It provides vivid examples of how women are represented in the media and how. Cont…

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1968 Civil Rights TurmoilThe year 1968 was the most turbulent year of the 1960s, both at home and abroad. Within the context of 1968, what was happening in the civil rights and other social revolutions? How were changes in American society connected to what was happening in the world?

The year 1968 was the most turbulent year of the 1960s, both at home and abroad. Within the context of 1968, what was happening in the civil rights and other social revolutions? How were changes in American society connected to what was happening in the world?
1968 was a year of significant social and political turmoil, with various civil rights and social movements coming to the forefront. In the United States, the civil rights movement was at a pivotal point, as African Americans continued to fight for equal rights and treatment. One of the most notable events of the year was the assassination of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. in April, which sparked widespread protests and riots in cities across the country (Jones, 2019). Additionally, the year saw a rise in the Black Power movement, which sought to empower and uplift the African American community through self-determination and self-defense (Hudson, 2018). Other social movements, such as the women’s liberation and LGBTQ+ rights movements, also gained traction during this time. Internationally, 1968 was marked by the Prague Spring, a period of political liberalization in Czechoslovakia that was met with a violent response from the Soviet Union and its allies (Sheehan, 2009). Cont…

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HTA Model Political InfluenceBased on the book Undocumented Politics: Place, Gender and the Pathways of Mexican Migrants, Discuss how the Hometown Association model (HTA) was used by migrants from Retorno to exert political influence in their local community.

Based on the book Undocumented Politics: Place, Gender and the Pathways of Mexican Migrants, Discuss how the Hometown Association model (HTA) was used by migrants from Retorno to exert political influence in their local community.
The Hometown Association (HTA) model, also known as “asociaciones de nativos,” is a form of transnational organizing used by Mexican migrants to exert political influence in their local communities (Gonzalez, 2015). According to the book Undocumented Politics: Place, Gender and the Pathways of Mexican Migrants (Gonzalez, 2015), the HTA model emerged in the 1980s as a way for Mexican migrants to send resources and support back to their communities of origin. HTAs are typically organized around a specific town or region in Mexico, and are made up of migrants who have migrated from that area. Through their involvement in HTAs, migrants are able to stay connected to their communities of origin and maintain a sense of belonging despite being physically separated. They also have the opportunity to participate in the political and economic development of their communities, often through the funding of infrastructure projects and the provision of social services (Gonzalez, 2015). Cont…

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US Responsibility to IdealaDo you believe that the United States has the responsibility to live up to the ideals espouse in a poem why

Do you believe that the United States has the responsibility to live up to the ideals espouse in a poem why
Yes, I believe that the United States has the responsibility to live up to the ideals espoused in the poem “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus, which is inscribed on a plaque in the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. The poem advocates for the United States to be a beacon of hope and a welcoming place for immigrants, with lines such as “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” These ideals are central to the country’s identity and have been embraced by the American people throughout its history. As President John F. Kennedy stated in his book “A Nation of Immigrants,” “For over three centuries, we have welcomed waves of immigrants to our shores. The United States is a nation of immigrants.” (Kennedy, 2018). This spirit of welcoming and inclusion has been a key part of the country’s success and has contributed to its diverse and vibrant culture. Cont…

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Salem Witch Trials: OverviewWhat happened during the Salem Witch trials? what is significant?

What happened during the Salem Witch trials? what is significant? The Salem witch trials were a series of court cases in colonial Massachusetts between 1692 and 1693 in which more than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft. The trials, which resulted in the execution of 20 people, have become one of the most well-known examples of mass hysteria in history. The events leading up […]

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The most significant developments for women has been the expansion of educational and career opportunitiesWhat impact did women have on American life since the end of World War II? Make the case that women’s lives have improved over the last seven decades in life.

What impact did women have on American life since the end of World War II?
Make the case that women’s lives have improved over the last seven decades in
Since the end of World War II, women have had a significant impact on American life and have made significant strides in terms of social, economic, and political equality. One of the most significant developments for women has been the expansion of educational and career opportunities. In the post-war period, women have made significant gains in terms of access to higher education and have entered the workforce in increasing numbers. According to a report by the U.S. Department of Labor, the percentage of women in the workforce has increased from just over 30% in 1950 to nearly 57% in 2020 (U.S. Department of Labor, 2020). This increase in labor force participation has been accompanied by a narrowing of the wage gap between men and women, although significant disparities still persist. In terms of political representation, women have also made significant progress since the end of World War II. The number of women serving in elected office has steadily increased, and in 2016, Hillary Clinton became the first woman to be nominated for president by a major political party. Cont…

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