Evaluate The Differences Between A Traditional Classroom And An Online Classroom And 3300562

In a Word document: • Create a course description. o This should be four to seven sentences in length. o Provide a learner with a clear picture of what the course will cover. o Your course description should reflect the CLOs you wrote last week. o Think of your course description as a marketing tool to capture the interest of potential students. o Be sure your course description speaks to the interests and goals of your learning audience. o Beneath your course description, add your CLOs so you and your instructor can see how the description reflects the CLOs. • Create a module description. o Your module description should be three to five sentences in length. o Provide a learner with a clear picture of what the module will cover. o Remember from Week 2, a module will focus on specific sub-set of skills and knowledge relevant to the larger course topic; using your module learning outcome, create a module description that addresses this sub-set. o Under the module description, add your MLOs so you and your instructor can see how the description reflects the MLOs. Here is an example of the course learning outcomes and course description for EDU600. Course Learning Outcomes 1. Examine the components of an online learning environment. 2. Evaluate the differences between a traditional classroom and an online classroom and blended learning. 3. Evaluate the pedagogical applications of hardware, software, and other types of tools commonly used in the online environment. 4. Analyze various learning management systems for a variety of learning applications. 5. Create an online learning module specific to target audience and learning environment.



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