The Negative Impact of Chronic Stress on Learning: Why Do We Valorize 90-Hour Work Weeks?If chronic stress negatively impacts learning, why do we valorize 90-hour work weeks?

If chronic stress negatively impacts learning, why do we valorize 90-hour work weeks?
In today’s society, it is not uncommon to hear stories of individuals who take on grueling 90-hour work weeks in order to achieve success. While this hard work is often admired and celebrated, it is important to consider the potential impacts of such long work hours, specifically on learning. Chronic stress, defined as stress that is ongoing and unaddressed, has been linked to a decrease in cognitive ability and memory (Lighthall, 2019). This can be particularly detrimental to those who are already in the process of learning a new skill or attempting to acquire new knowledge. The long-term effects of chronic stress can be quite damaging. Research has shown that chronic stress can impair both the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, two regions of the brain responsible for memory and executive functioning (Chu et al., 2017). In addition, chronic stress has been linked to an increase in cortisol, a hormone that can interfere with the formation of new memories (Miller et al., 2020). Therefore, it is clear that those who are subject to chronic stress, such as those working 90-hour weeks, may be at an increased risk for reduced cognitive functioning. Cont…

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